Our unique Cold Clamp locates fiber optic cable breaks & faults to a physical accuracy of better than 1 meter over long distance.
It causes a temporary optical loss marker at a location near the fault, allowing any mini-OTDR user to find the physical fault with great accuracy.
In practice a fiber OTDR distance measurement is accurate to 0.5% - 2%. Real-world systems also often have cable coils & undeclared topologies that impact distance measurement. So a cable fault can be hundreds of meters away from an expected location, even when using best OTDR fault finding practices.

- Works brilliantly over long distances on underground faults
- Reduces network hazard and days of labor as exploratory trenching is eliminated
- Minimizes community disruption and excavation damage
- Find a hidden fault or break in fibre cables where there is no visible evidence
- Minimizes service disruption, since it can be used on a live system
- Economical repair allows revival of dark or abandoned fiber lines, reclaiming capacity
- Inexpensive, non-destructive & field proven locator. Telcordia (Bellcore) report available
- Use your existing training & OTDRs
- Safety kit & work practices are provided. (a small amount of liquid nitrogen is easier to acquire and manage safely than most people think!)